terça-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2009

Notes #7 - Second Time Virgins

(Yuke Yuke Nidome no Shojo, 1969)

«The error of children: to derive truth from grown-ups
» - Georges Bataille in Inner Experience

Inside Go Go Second Time Virgin's decadent bodies (despite their youth) lies, I believe, the horrendous, yet silenced, scream of a child growing up. Or, we could say, growing up to die. Eroticism, as we know, is represented by an halo of death; the moment in which human discontinuity reveals itself in its must naked aspect. Humans are strange to themselves, innocently thinking they're coeherent, continuous existences. This is the sincere truth of a child. However the uncontrolability of desire radically changes individuals, makes them disappear, makes them die in a way. But, in every way, we desire to embrace the absolute, thus regaining a lost intimacy lost somewhere in time. Youth is the age of horror, the age of an unchangable discovery: sexual ecstacy. By sexual ecstacy one should say that silence only can define it, yet maybe some more should be said: the moment of sexual ecstacy is a moment of intense communication, a moment of rape in which individuals loose themselves in confusion ,nevertheless, facing death.
But inside the mind of children lies an innocent notion of absolute as well. It's the kingdom of not knowing what things really are. In other words, viewing reality through the lens of the realm of toys: everything has a life of its own. It is this notion, this lost notion that all of us carry, without being conscient, that permits the suicide of the two adult shadows in Go, Go Second Time Virgin. Suicide here has, first of all, the idea of returning. Then, it's also a protest. A protest against all adults; in a single world, against the absolute that sexual force represents, now turned into the absolute playfullness of children. Only death can erase this shadows into dust. The scream of purity calls for the final void.

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